Join us for a tour of two local maple producers—Lake Russell Maple Farm and Journey’s End Farm. The tours are scheduled during the last week of February and the first week of March, on days when the sap is running and the sugar house is in full swing. The tours are free for GDHS members and $5 for non-members. Reservations are required.
Lake Russell Maple Farm — A tour of Lake Russell Maple Farm near Newfoundland has been scheduled for Thursday, February 23, a day when we expect the weather to be ideal for maple production—below freezing at night and above freezing during the day. Lake Russell Maple is the largest organic maple farm in Pennsylvania, tapping 24,000 trees on 400 acres. About 200 miles of modern tubing bring the maple sap to the sugar house where syrup and related maple products are produced. Lake Russell Maple is located at 116 Secret Eagle Drive, Newfoundland, PA 18445. Please confirm that you will be attending this Tour by contacting Bernadine Lennon at 570-857-0882 or [email protected].
Journey’s End Farm — A second tour will be scheduled during the first week of March at Journey’s End Farm in Sterling, with the day dependent on the weather. Kristin Curtis will greet us at Journey’s End and show us how maple syrup is made. Maple syrup and maple sugar have been produced on the Curtis farm since 1934, a time when local residents often used these products as their primary sweeteners. Present-day maple producer Andrew Curtis is the fifth generation to do so at Journey’s End Farm, carrying on a tradition begun by his third great-grandfather Francis Curtis. The Curtis family uses a wood-fired evaporator to produce the rich flavor their syrup is noted for. They tap about 1500 trees and offer various grades of maple syrup and maple cream for sale.
Please check this website for the exact date of the Journey’s End Maple Tour.
More on the history of maple syrup production in Greene and Dreher Townships can be found here.