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Your support helps us celebrate and preserve the unique history of our Greene-Dreher community. Your gift provides a resource for members and visitors of all ages to learn about the past, share their own knowledge and experience, and gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the lives of those who came before us.

We rely on your generosity to:

  • Preserve artifacts, documents and photographs from our area and make them accessible to the public
  • Offer engaging programs, exhibitions and publications that tell the stories of the people who lived here
  • Provide on-site and off-site learning opportunities for young people
  • Preserve our historic Peggy Bancroft Hall and Museum
  • Restore and maintain six historic cemeteries

The Greene-Dreher Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID number 23.-3089980) registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations (Registration number 33135). Your gift supports all of the GDHS activities, and your donation is 100% tax-deductible. To make a donation, please make all checks payable to “GDHS” and mail to GDHS, PO Box 176, Greentown, PA 18426-0176.

GDHS Legacy Fund

Members and friends may express their support for the future of the Greene-Dreher Historical Society by donating to the Society’s Legacy Fund. The GDHS Legacy Fund was established in 2020 in partnership with the Wayne County Community Foundation. For more information about the Fund or to donate, please contact us.

Planned Giving

A Planned Gift will allow you to accomplish financial, chartable, and personal objectives, such as honoring loved ones, providing for heirs, minimizing tax burdens and supporting the community. There are several ways to include the Historical Society in your Estate Plan. We recommend you consult with your attorney or financial planner when considering a bequest that best fits your personal circumstances. For more information, please contact us.

Cemetery Restoration Fund

Cemeteries are among our most valuable archaeological and historic resources. They are also one of our most fragile resources. The challenge of documenting, restoring and preserving local historic cemeteries is one of the most important and challenging endeavors our Historical Society has undertaken. Please consider donating to the GDHS Cemetery Restoration Fund so that necessary work can be done to preserve the Simonstown, Kipptown, Hazelton, and Wolfe Cemeteries. Let’s work together to clean up and preserve these important pieces of our history and restore dignity to those who have passed.